How The MRC Is Fighting OTT Fraud

For a while, I was beginning to think fraud was just something advertisers were going to have to learn to live with. Especially with 2019 digital ad fraud estimates expected to top $23 billion, continuing the trend of YOY increases. Not to mention the epidemic is now spider-webbing out to plague emerging industries like OTT.
The MRC has created guidelines for combatting General Invalid Traffic (GIVT), which is increasingly becoming a “must” for advertisers when choosing OTT partners. In MadHive’s case, the company chose to implement the MRC’s GIVT guidelines directly into its product, earning the company the Trustworthy Accountability Group’s (TAG) Certified Against Fraud seal. This recognizes the rigorous steps taken to combat criminal fraud like bot farms and piracy.
Read more on TV[R]EV here.