TEGNA’s Premion Is Bringing Ad-Supported OTT To Local

April 2, 2019- TV(R)EVENUE-
50 million people get their local broadcast TV via TEGNA, a company that owns 49 stations in 41 markets across the U.S. TEGNA was far-sighted enough to see the future coming, and in 2016 they launched Premion, which positions itself as a one-stop shop OTT advertising platform for regional and local advertisers.
With Premion, advertisers are able to place addressable TV ads on over 125 top-tier content providers via OTT and VOD, giving them access to brand-safe and fraud-free inventory that reaches the fastest growing and highly engaged OTT audiences.
One of Premion’s key advantages is that the inventory is directly sourced, meaning that it is bought directly from the network itself.
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